Monday, September 14, 2015

Embrace Change With Passion!

Embrace Change With Passion!
How much control do we have over change in out church and community? Growth in our church and community, the lack of growth, or the speed with which either happens seems to be completely out of our control. We can however, control or manage how we feel about change, how we accept change, and how we ready ourselves for change. To embrace change, that is to say, growth or the lack thereof, has to do with my own capacity to suffer through it. This is what I refer to as passion. We must embrace change in the church and community with passion.

We are a traditional church. We have consistently held to traditional family values, and worship practices. Any acceptance of change in the church has to be dealt with on two levels, that is, as a corporate body and as individuals. The same issues make challenges for us as a corporate body and as individuals in the church. All of these challenges should be approached with faith. "For we walk by faith and not by sight" (II Cor. 5:7)

Change ignites fears of the unknown. Many of us become power brokers and a loss of power may come with change. Additionally, we develop our routines and do not want them altered in any way - we fear potential failure if we are called to re-tool. Fear s the real enemy to our embracing change in positive ways.

A large portion of my life is managing change or presiding over change. I must struggle to understand people's fears or why people resist change. So when I hesitate on any mater its not that my magic has failed - I'm just trying to understand your fears.

What must we do to embrace change? We must look for new opportunities to do ministry. What is it that we can contribute to this community that others may not be contributing? We must obey and practice the Golden Rule, treat everybody the same - like we want to be treated. Finally we should use our past service record to stabilize and strengthen our thoughts and ideas moving toward a promising future.
Let's suffer through the change!

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